Earlier today I came across an online debate; basically, which is better – Facebook or Twitter? There was heated comment from both sides of the debate.
Actually, I don’t think the matter is that clear cut. My view is simply that Facebook and Twitter serve different needs.
But the whole debate made me think – is there perhaps a link between Twitter and personality type? Specifically, between Twitter and extroversion? Somehow the rapid-fire exchanges on Twitter seem better suited to extroverts.
I have a Twitter account, but I very rarely remember to post anything on it. Once in a few weeks, I might pass by to see what everyone is talking about, but that’s about as far as things go. I have realized that I don’t fancy the potentially non-stop one-liner conversations that make up Twitter interaction. I would much rather prefer slower, deliberate conversations, with more in-depth content. Not for me quick links to here or there, or sentences mercilessly broken up by hashtags.
I liken Twitter interaction to small talk at a party – skimming the surface of many potentially interesting things, but choosing to go no deeper. I have never really taken to that, and so perhaps it should come as no surprise that I haven’t also taken to Twitter.
But I suppose extroverts are different. Small talk is no trouble to such types, neither is the remorseless flitting from one topic to another, or the tendency to hold more than three conversations at the same time. I would assume therefore that Twitter should feel natural to people who tend that way.
I think this would be an interesting topic for research – the link between personality type and Twitter. I’m hoping an interested researcher will take it on. I’ll be keeping my eyes open for that.
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